Blogging. It has an tendency to be consistent for a few weeks then awkwardly long silence then a weird catch up then a few posts back to back then....nothing. I am attempting NOT to do that to you guys, but failing miserably.
This is hopefully going to be an overview of what's been going on.
Starting on 25 June I helped staffed before school staff training. It's called training and assessment phase 1. The three new staff working with Beach to Bush this August were students in this course. This course is highly sought after in Australia to ensure staff are trained properly in how to assess and document people's growth. Because Youth With a Mission Australia runs accredited Discipleship Training Schools we have to keep up to date with how we train our students.
This two week course is JAM packed full of 8a-4p lectures with 11 in class assignments. We go over learning styles, how to facilitate a class room, how to have a one on one (mentoring conversations), how to assess, why we assess, how to create an assessment, how to validate and collect evidence for assessment and much, much more! I personally LOVE this course. I thought it was fun when I did it last June. Since then I have taken the two week course for the second "phase" of the certificate. Then I staffed this school. I finally get it! The more you listen,do, and work with the curriculum the easier it is to see how it's a blessing and not a curse! (they say that Training and Assessment is like a different language!)
Last Monday all 10 staff started what we call Basic Leadership Lectures. We do this for three weeks, one week school prep, then the school starts. So far in lectures we have had teaching on criteria of a leader, worldview discussion on asylum seekers, mentoring, one on one's and small groups. The upcoming lecture topics are: architects of the Gospel, communication, Authority, boundaries & time management, servant leadership, and first impressions.
We also have the opportunity to run a small group for our fellow classmates to practice facilitating small groups for the students on the school. I lead a small group last Thursday with a girl named Becki. (small groups are a time for processing, bonding, discussion, ministry, and encouragement.) We receive lecture topics that we have on DTS to "process" as a class, we are broken up into guys and girls. We lead 6 fellow staff in this small group processing God's character! (this is a huge topic...FYI (:) While Becki and I were praying about what to do we really felt that God wanted to press Identity. He was saying to us that without understanding of who He is how are we expecting to know who we are. Look at the creator to see the created.
For the small group activity we traced Becki on a piece of big paper and taped this paper girl to the mirror. (we have a dance studio on the centre) We had the girls write this they think/believe that don't line up with God's character. (
example: I'm ugly, God doesn't care, I'm fat, I'm not worthy for relationship with God.) We then had them sit in front of the huge dance mirror and ask God to speak to each person about those areas. We wanted them to look at themselves from God's perspective and ask for bible verses to in plant truth into their lives. After a few minutes we went around the circle and shared the lies and then the truth he spoke to us. As a symbol of sealing his truth we put marker on our fingers and then pressed them on our forearms, making finger prints. "Sealing his identity" was the point! Then we paired off and prayed for one another.
It was really cool to see how God used a "pretend" situation to ministry to us. Even though all of the girls in that small group are staff and have been in relationship with Jesus for quite some time, it was humbling to realise we still believe lies. We need Jesus more and more, not less and less the longer we are in relationship.
A few weeks ago we ran a weekend camp for high school students. We had 7 girls, 1 boy, and 2 sets of parents attend. They were all christian kids and were actively seeking after God's heart. The lecture topics that our contact, Jim, wanted us to touch on were; Mission's, hearing God's voice, and the Father heart of God. There were 8 staff working to put this camp together and when we prayed about it we felt that we should talk on; Character and Nature, Father heart, importance of quiet times with Jesus, Mission's, and hearing God's voice.
I taught for an hour on God's character the first night, after a time of worship. I shared about the journey God has had me on with trusting him. With him showing time and time again that he is my refuge, stronghold, peace, and shepherd. I shared bits of my story of when I felt God as a refuge and peace. And then pieced together pictures and stories to go along with Psalm 23 to talk about God being my shepherd.
I was extremely worried before I taught about stuttering, not communicating accurate information, being bad at transitioning from one point to the next, and concluding the whole teaching. Oh, and not having enough content to fill up an hour! All for nothing though....Jesus spoke through me and I had a whole page of notes I had to skip because I was out of time!!! Multiple people came up and told me that they were impacted by the stories I shared and how God has shown up in my life. It was super encouraging to hear that God can use me. He will use me and he has great plans. All I have to do is trust him and be obedient!!!
The whole weekend was awesome. We had the opportunity to go to an outlet mall because all the youth were from country towns and they wanted to enjoy "city life"! We hung out and shopped with them and they blessed us with afternoon tea!!! (a mid afternoon snack) At the end of the weekend all of us staff were invited to the youth's church 28-29 July for their confirmation. They have been emailing and face booking us about how impacting the weekend was.
I am for sure not explaining the extend of God's workings in both the staff and youth over this weekend. Even thinking about the kids, the worship, or the lectures makes my heart full of his Joy! He's got a hold of those 8 youth's hearts. Take joy in that!!!!! It's SO encouraging to see 14,16,17's LOVE Jesus. You were a part of this! By supporting me and what God is doing here in Australia you've helped 8 youth come to know him more!!!!! Thank you!!!
Upcoming weeks...the DTS starts on 1 August. We have 21 students and 10 staff. I believe I briefly mentioned that we have 6 siblings on this school. We feel that God wants to redeem families.
Personally, I am excited to be in lectures, to meet and know new people, and apply the things I learned from last school and these past 6 months of logistical phase. Some of which are: God is ALL about relationship. Loving unconditionally gives people the right to hurt you, which sucks but that's what Jesus does for us. Trusting God is everyday things, big and small. ANNNNND the most exciting thing (or at least from my perspective..) is learning/teaching/guiding the girls in my small group and outreach team towards holiness and excellence in womanhood. (bare with me!!)
As of late, God has been teaching me about holiness. In 1 Peter 1:14-16"As obedient children do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written 'you shall be holy, for I am holy'" Why would he say that if it wasn't achievable!?!? We can be holy!!! Which is "set apart, total devotion to God". That has been hitting me I living a Holy life? Am I being holy, excellent, and above reproach in all my conduct? Am I being an example to the believers in my speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity? (1 tim. 4:12)
The weight of holiness in my speech and actions is something I've struggled with for a long time. I've often thought that I have said too many gross or mean things, or acted poorly towards people too many times, or disobeyed my parents too many times for the 1 Timothy verse to apply to me. How could I, Shannon Baxter, be an example? The answer is Jesus Christ. I, Shannon Baxter, am a redeemed child of the majesty on high and have the guidance to become an example to many. Only by the grace of Jesus. I'll take it!!!
Because this is the process that Jesus has be on, I want to share and challenge the girl students coming on the school to recognise the same. I want to be holy because Jesus is Holy and I want these precious girls to be holy because Jesus is Holy!
Another aspect of that is encouraging men to be men because I am being a godly woman. Often women my age complain about the lack of gentlemen around town. Partly that is upbringing, hurt, personal choice, and lack of Jesus....another part is that (at least in my life..) we as women don't let them be men and take care of us. (I know that I am walking on thin ice please don't get offended..I merely want to share my heart. Ask my questions if you disagree or think I'm way off base) When a guy offers to carry my books, let me go a head in the food line, or lift a heavy couch...I often refuse him. My immediate reaction is "heck, I can do this, my daddy raised me strong." But...I'm not the only on in the long is the guy going to push to help women if I shut him down? (not JUST me, but women in general) Maybe I'm way off but I've talked to a few guys around here and most said eventually they give up if girls refuse their help.
I feel like this has been a lot of information and no where NEAR the amount of stuff God has been teaching me, but for fear of your mind exploding I will close this note!
Please, please, please contact me with questions, concerns, comments, stories of your life, or just random chats. I miss you guys and I realise more and more each day how/why God has put you in my life. I need to update you more but know that I appreciate you reading this novel I have just typed out!!!
I love, value, and pray for you guys!!
671 Samford Road
Mitchelton QLD 4053