Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Home is where Jesus is.

I am still in Sweden and I'm finally coming to terms with it! I've been working with a youth camp called 360. We have lectures, devotions, activities and night sessions for a week and than the students and three staff will go on a missions trip to Latvia for one week. 

At the beginning of the week we were asked to give expectations of what we wanted from God this week. I asked for a comfort in knowing HE IS HOME for me and not where I want to be! And so finally, after almost 4 months of being here I FINALLY FEEL AT HOME IN HIM. Which is BY FAR more important than feeling at home in Sweden. Although, this country (and it's people) are growing on me! :) 

Tonight I heard an amazing story. There is a Swedish man named John. Last year he went to Israel. While he was there he met some Brazilian people. After a few months of being back in Sweden the Brazilians invited John to Brazil over New Years. 

Mean while, in Brazil there is a lady named Anna. Her father was a wizard and her mother was "jewish" but apparently worshipped the devil. Anna was dedicated and trained to be a witch. One day she met a man and he asked her if she wanted to be free from her problems. (she had been getting sick, depressed and just didn't enjoy life) She said yes. He told her to go to this spa where she could get a massage and relax. When she arrived at this "spa" it turned out to be a christian camp. (haha…I'm not sure if lying is the best evangelistic approach.) Anna tried to run away three times but ended up sticking around and accepted Jesus. 

For TWO YEARS Anna attended a church trying to get freedom from the demons that had been possessing her  life up until that time. The people in the church, knowing from what kind of family she came from, didn't really accept her. But she continued to go because she was looking for the "Owner of the house" and not at the "people in the house". There were, however, a few people that believed her and would take pictures of what marks "invisible hands" would leave on Anna's legs and arms. Through that people started to believe her and accept her. 

Once Anna was free from the demons she started a prayer group in her house. She wanted to help people who had become believers from her similar "background". During one of these meetings the whole group had an open vision. (where they could all see the same thing) 

In this vision there was a mountain and a group of people were standing in a circle holding hands. Anna was holding the hand of an African woman and the hand of a French woman. Across from her on the other side of the circle was her pastor's daughter. The pastor's daughter was holding the hand of a Korean woman. They group could identify the nationality of these people because of the languages they were speaking. The recognised the sounds of them. 

Now, the second hand of the pastor's daughter was being held by a tall blonde guy speaking a "funny language". That "funny language" turned out to be Swedish!! Anna felt like God told her "pay attention to what he is saying" and she was like "God, I can't understand Swedish". But God told her again to listen to what he was saying As Anna listened she started to understand everything that this guy was saying in PORTUGUESE! He was speaking Swedish but she was understanding what he was saying in Portuguese! Then the vision ended! All the people in the room kinda looked at each other and was like "is this for real?!". 

So a few weeks after this vision Anna started to feel very ill. She went to the doctor and found out that she had a tumour in her intestine. The same type of cancer that had killed her Grandmother. She thought she was going to die from this tumour within a few months. 

A little bit after this discovery Anna received a call from a friend that didn't normally call her. When Anna answered the phone the friend said "you know that I don't normally call you, but God is 'bugging' me to tell you something and I can't sleep until I do. He wants me to show you a person. So go on Facebook and look up John Whateverhislastnameis". Anna got on Facebook and looked up this John guy. IT WAS THE SAME GUY FROM HER VISION. So Anna began to call all of the people that were in the room that night! She said that she didn't want to be "crazy" alone! And once everyone that had seen that vision saw this John guy's profile they all realised it was the same guy! 

Another few weeks later the same friend called Anna and told her that this same John guy was coming to Brazil over new years! So once again Anna called all of the people that had seen the vision and they all were blown away! At this point they didn't know what it all meant but they were still so amazed! 

Fast forward another few weeks…John is in Brazil and Anna's friend calls Anna once more and asks Anna to take John to see some sights because the friend's boss won't let her have the day off! Mean while, Anna's cancer had gotten super bad and she hadn't been feeling well for a while. But Anna agreed. The morning of the day that Anna was supposed to go with John, she felt like she had no strength and didn't think she could muster to take john anywhere. She picked up the phone to call her friend but she heard a voice that said "put the phone on the bed and you should go". Anna is a "tester" so to say and so she tried to call her friend once more! :) And AGAIN she heard a voice that said "Put, the. phone. down. you, should. go." and so she put it down and went. It took probably 2 hours to get to her friend's house to pick up John.

After that two hours they had to travel another while to get to a mountain where they were going to a specific place. (I'm not sure what it was and it's really not relevant to the story! :) ) But they ended up taking the wrong bus! So instead of getting to the top of the hill, they were at the bottom of the hill of which they had to climb! Remember that Anna is feeling beyond weak. But they climb anyway. They get to the place they were trying to go but it's closed. So Anna's brother decides that he wants to take John to the highest point of the city. So they continue to climb.

On the way up Anna still hasn't told John about the vision and stuff. Anna feels like God says "ask John if he believes in supernatural things". Anna said "no thank you I don't know this guy!" and God again tells her "ask him!" so she does! And john responds "well, yeah I do!" So Anna tells him the whole story about the vision and the Facebook stalking and everything! John's response was "we should really pray about this together".

They get to the top and John and Anna's brother start to do tourist-y things. And Anna falls to the grass because all of her strength has left her. She started to feel the life leave her body. She started to cry and talk to God. She honestly thought she was going to die atop that hill/mountain thing. Once her brother and John were done with the tourist-y thing they came back. Anna was trying to hide that she had been crying. But the guys noticed and they decided to pray for Anna. 

John asked Anna if he could pray for her in Swedish because he was more comfortable with that. She, of course, said yes. So he started to pray in SWEDISH BUT SHE UNDERSTOOD HIM IN PORTUGUESE! She thought he was pulling a joke. But she understood that he was asking for healing in her body! Then Anna's brother prayed. After they were both done Anna started to feel a warmth in her body. (it was over 30c that day so it was even warmer in her body) The she felt something like a fountain coming from her stomach through her body. And her strength began to return! She didn't get back to her house until after midnight that night! (please remember that she felt like she was going to die. just before these prayers) 

Anna, as previously stated, likes to "test" these things because it just doesn't seem real. So she started to stop taking one of the many many medications she had been taking for her cancer. With each medicine that she stopped taking she gained more strength! Pretty soon she stopped taking any of them! She went to the doctor and one said that "she has been such a good patient taking all her pills" but another recognised that only one word could describe the LACK OF CANCER THAT THEY FOUND….which was "MIRACLE". 

John invited Anna to come to Sweden for the summer and share what God has done. Anna didn't have ANY MONEY to get a passport, visa, or plane tickets because all of her money had been spent on doctor bills. But pretty soon money started coming into her bank account from believers and non believers alike! She had the EXACT AMOUNT NEEDED TO COME TO SWEDEN! 

Anna stood there tonight and said "God did all of this because he loves me. I believe that he provided all of this money for me to come to Sweden and say that God is ALIVE. He loves me. He loves you. He loves all of us. He is ALIVE AND IS WORKING! He wants people to know that he is alive and working because he loves us!"

Seriously….this BLEW MY MIND! 
After Anna shared this testimony I felt like God spoke to me clear and said "I AM faithful". 
Then he challenged me to ask him for a miracle. The deepest, most secret miracles that I long for. So I wrote them down. 
-Healing for each of my family members. Specific to the needs of that precious individual. 
-Healing for my family as a whole. 
-My eyes to be opened to my FULL IDENTITY as a child of God and the ability to have confidence in that! 
-A partner to live life with, to challenge, encourage, laugh, and bring glory to God's kingdom with. 

What is your hope? What is a miracle you want to see in your life? 

Another HUGE thing that I learned from Anna's story is how important SURRENDER IS! During the 360 camp we talked about the concept of "surrendering all to Jesus". Some of the responses were "because He knows what is best" and "because he loves us". I realised that yes it's both of those, but also…he is giving us the opportunity to be apart of something bigger! When we surrender our lives to saying "yes" to Jesus we get to help him redeem and restore creation to the intimacy that he wanted from the beginning. And the way I see this in Anna's story is that if John had decided not to go, or if Anna decided to give up and not trust God would provide the finances I wouldn't have heard this, I wouldn't of had revelation from her story, the people in Sweden wouldn't be hearing it from her, being blessed! 

How cool is that? God WANTS US TO BE APART OF SOMETHING BIGGER. He's pretty cool.  I like him. 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Shannon!! And it is exactly what I needed!! Thank u for sharing!!! Miss u! :)
