Sunday, September 15, 2013

A season for everything.

God is stirring this uncontrollable awakening of emotions within me. I tear up when my heart is touched, I get attached, than sad when people are hurt in movies, and I'm overjoyed when people praise their children. To be honest, I'm loving it. I've hear that God is a Being of emotions for years but now, for some reason, it's all making sense. I feel closer to Him now that I have these emotions.
Maybe it's because I'm no longer rock hard on the inside. I love having to learn how to lean on Him with these emotions.

Something that I realised today: I am loved by an intimate, detailed, joyous, and kind God.

I'm a nanny to a beautiful little boy, Joshua. He has a laugh that rings joy. His hugs are innocent and genuine. His version of a good time is hanging out with me on the front porch listening to One Direction. All in all, he is perfect.

Today Joshua and I decided to play in his room with a “new” set of toys and scenery! He brought me a book (I guess I looked bored!) it was “Prayers for My Baby Boy”. I opened it and was looking through because the photography was amazing. Soon, it was more about the intimate words of a loving mother that caught my attention. The amazement, excitement, and admiration of this new mother's prayers brought me to tears. The tender way she prays for her precious newborn was mind blowing.

She describes how excited she was to design the birth announcements. How sharing him with the rest of God's creation was such a big deal to her. She tells the story of her son smiling for the first time. How the waving of hands, happiness of his feet, and the gurgling noise was everything he could do to show her how much he loved her.

My favourite “prayer” is titled “Laughter and Dancing”.

Surely we are born for laughter and dancing. Our baby proves it to me. His laugh is among the finest and purest I have ever known. He cackles aloud at the most surprising things. A simple hello can send him into a wave of silliness and giggles. The delight of his own laughter produces jitterbug feet and cha-cha arms. Thank you that he laughs so effortlessly. May it always be so. Protect his heart and his spirit from the things that rob his joy. He is completely innocent and pure. I know that the world will come around to find him one day, but may he always remember how to laugh from his heart. I once heard a man say that he could tell a lot about people by the way they laugh. I have come to believe the great truth of his words. Real laughter-spontaneous, readily available and un manufactured- can come only from a person of peace and contentment. It comes only from a person who is looking for joy. Let him always look for joy. Let him know the good medicine of rib-splitting laughter and impromptu dancing. May he learn this fine art from his parents. Fill our home with comedy and wit, ballet and the Flat Rock Stomp, great fun and silliness. You gave us marvellous giftss when You gave us a time to laugh and a time to dance. Thank you for life's fun. Thank you for a baby who reminds us all to loosen up a little, look for joy and giggle. From our immense please, we give you praise.”

Half way through these prayers of a loving mother I realised, this is what Jesus wants desperately for me. He delights when I laugh from my heart. When I dance and sing for no real reason. He wants me to be content and at peace all the days of my life. He desires a life full of growing, maturity, protection, and joy. How many of us actually had a parent to speak such loving promises over us as infants? It doesn't matter! Jesus does!

These words are no where close to the depths of this revelation. Something about feeling emotions and getting reminded of the love my Saviour has for me is beyond satisfying. I want to have this type of love and desire to reflect Christ's image for my children, but why wait? I have so many people in my life now. Also, why wish away life? Why hold things back until I get married, or until I hold a baby of my own in my arms, or until I meet this mysterious state of “grown up”-ness? What can I do that is everything I can do to show Him how much I love him?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Keep in Touch.

I've been State side for approximately 4 months now. I was reading through my journal last week and the promises/struggles/heads up that God gave me while I was travelling back from India for Nebraska/Home were all accurate! Most of the things have happened. The things He told me I would learn in Nebraska, happened. The struggles/blessings of being home, thus far have happened. I love that our God speaks and it's truth.

A bit of an update about where I am/what I will be doing in the up coming months. I am in VA for the next 6 months. I have applied and just waiting for acceptance into a training school called: Bible School for the Nations. (**further description for Bible School for the Nations {BSN} will be at the bottom) That will take 5.5 months. In June 2014 I will be going back to Australia for 2/3 years. Until I leave in January I will be working two jobs. One is nannying an adorable little 12 month old little boy, named Joshua. The second is working at a used bookstore in our downtown area. Also I will be support raising and relationship building with local and out of state Churches. I am praying about how I can become more involved in my church. 

That pretty much sums up my life in a nut-shell. If you have questions, please ask! If you want to meet up for coffee to hear stories or see pictures, email me!!! I would LOVE to hear about your life as well!! 


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

holy smacks.

Home. It's hard to explain. First, where really is that so called place home? Where Jesus asks you to go, where your family is, where you have friends, the act of making people your make-shift family, a place with security, a place with peace? I'm not sure really. Being in the place I grew up, with my parents and siblings has been good. A lot of adjustment for many reasons but all in all it's good. Being around people who do the same weird things that apparently aren't "normal" is comforting. :)

Really the emotional ups and downs and curve balls are far too lengthy to go into in this small space of internet. But I do want to share about what Jesus has been teaching me in the past little bit.

Judge. What does it mean to you? Only the fancy pants men/women who wear funny wigs and declare "guilty" or "not guilty"? What high-school kids do to every moving creature? Possibly the quite thoughts in your head that may or may not come out of your mouth?

Judge: (verb) to form an opinion of, decide upon critically.

My mouth has always been a struggle. (if my parents are reading this they could probably agree...) I say things that aren't kind or without thought. I used to have a back-talking problem that got me grounded for a straight year! Since I've made following Jesus more of a priority, my heart wants to speak kind things. That doesn't always happen. I find myself naturally inclined to form opinions about others. It could be their hair, their walk, their weight, their choices. Most of the time what ever formed opinion in my head comes flowing out of my mouth. Now since I have an active relationship with Jesus I've tried to train my mouth to not spout off said opinions because it's not kind, helpful, or necessary. Again, sometimes that doesn't happen.

This past, errmmmm month I would say, I've been asking God to put a guard on my lips. (my choice, but these things always go better with His help!) Then yesterday I realised how bitter and gross my heart still is. How prone I am to say hateful things for no reason. It was discouraging.

After that, I realised that I find people extremely beautiful. Old people with wrinkles all over and look like they are going to break if you hug them too hard. Freshly born babies with gunk all over them, screaming and making really funny faces that they will regret when they are 20. Toddlers who are super chunky and independent(troublemaking) but still need to cry in their mother's laps. Teenagers who wear what they want and don't worry about the new acne that has suddenly cursed their faces because they are still naive enough to not care.

All of the previous humblejumble to say; I say judgemental things because other people are doing it.

How stupid is that? Extremely.

I was reading Matthew this morning and the first 6 verses are all about judging others. (a spiritual "spanking" if you will!) Then my friend's mom hands me the book "Jesus Calling" and todays entry is all guessed it: Judging others. In the entry it talks about the idea of Jesus being offended when we (his children) judge one another and indulge in self-hatred. That struck a cord in my tiny little heart. How many times a day do I offend the one I so badly want to serve? How many times a day do I hurt the perfect Daddy with the words I speak over his precious, beautiful children? How many times a day do I tell myself, "you aren't good enough"?

Too many.

I have no right to say things about anyone else or myself. God is the only one "qualified" to judge.

Moral of this holy smack: speak out the details of beauty I see. Tell the old woman she is beautiful. Tell the teenager that his opinion is valid. So really, the thing my mom has been saying since I could hear....: If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

home again home again.

I am back in Australia!! I've been here for one week now and sleeping in my own bed is good, but flushing toilet paper, wearing shoes on the carpet, and not eating rice three times a day is strange. I cannot believe how much my heart loves and desires to be in a nation where life is so precious and seemingly simple.

I wish words could explain the way I feel when I am in a developing nation. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a missionary farmer. I wanted to draw water from a well, hand wash my dishes and clothes, milk cows, gather eggs, wear long skirts and have an apron. Being in nations that are not the west is the best way of fulfilling my desire for living in this type of a culture.

Things that I've experienced since I've travelled to places that have an incredible amount of beauty...children are beautiful and precious, without all the plastic, video games, and movies around. Old women are full of stories, behind every wrinkle, scar and smile there is more grace and love than you could possibly imagine. Every breathtaking view "newly discovered" from the top of a mountain or tucked away in a valley is already accredited to God's handiwork.

Over the past two years I have been blessed. Life stories that I can tell my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I have held newly birthed babies and asked Jesus to be the Lord of their lives. I've prayed for physically hurting grandmas while holding their hands. I've laid hands on a paralysed man to speak healing into his life while he is screaming out in pain. I have built a house that will be service to many international missionaries. I have met swell people from many nations.

I'm twenty-one. I'm blessed. I'm tired. I'm in love with the Lord. I'm ready.

Trust me with carrying your Word. Send me, please Lord. I'm ready. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Global Outreach Day!!!

One of my friends recently told me about this day that every christian in the world shares the gospel on one day...I got PUMPED. This should be happening EVERYDAY ALL DAY, but it doesn't. That's okay but why not take initiative to change that?

This is a thought I had while I was on Outreach this year...What if the Nation of India loved the Lord? If each of these people loved Jesus Christ... how much damage could we as a body of believers do?

Since we cannot just convert the entire Nation of India we have to start in a more practical way. Which is Global Outreach Day!!! There is more information below about what Global Outreach Day is and how to get involved. It's SO easy to evangelise. Talk to the cashier, buy someone coffee, if you are really feeling bold pray for healing in a Hospital. There are SO many ways to PRACTICALLY show the love of Christ.

Here is the link to the Global Outreach Day (G.O.D.) web page:

And here is the link to the youtube video: G.O.D. Reach the World

In 2013 G.O.D. is 25 May, share this with your family, friends, and home church and encourage them to be a part of this!

Let's ignite a wave of radical evangelism around the world!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

106 days!

In approximately 106 days I will be back in Stafford VIRGINIA AMERICA!!!!! I am SUPER excited!

I will give you a break down of whats happening from now until May.

Today is Wednesday, 16 January and the school and myself are graduating in TWO DAYS! I graduate from the leadership training and our twenty students are graduating from the 6 month Discipleship training school. So that's Friday!

After Friday we have to sick around for two weeks to close off the school with paper work and HEAPS of scanning! (pray for patience:}) After that I will be helping around the centre on a logistical position. That involves hospitality, community outreach, kitchen work, and logistical work. I will be helping with this until early April.

I will fly to the states for my roommate's wedding and then I fly home in early MAY!!!!

God has taught me so much over these 18 months. I need to write more specifically what he has done but I am very tired and should go to bed. I am hoping to spend a few days alone with the Lord processing all the things that have happened and how blessed I am.

Things you could pray for:
Students following after God with their whole hearts as they go home.
A place to spend time with God alone.
A plane ticket home.
Logistical wrap up.
Future plans in mission's!

I love you all, thank you for your support and encouragement.

671 Samford Road
Mitchelton, QLD 4053

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Illustrations to life.


I'm back in Brisbane after SIXish weeks in INDIA!

I will break up the outreach by weeks...hopefully adding pictures at the end!

WEEK ONE: 19-25 November 2012 Location: Darjeeling, India 
Monday-wednesday we were travelling...which consisted of three planes and a 12 hour train ride. We arrived in Darjeeling India on the 21st. We had our first cup of chai and fell in love! We finally went to bed after 4 days of intense travel and then we had orientation. We got orientated to the culture and the town by going on a "scavenger hunt". We also got taken to the markets by some of the local DTS staff and the girls bought kurtas! We went to church and experienced our first 4 hour church service! It was so cool. The pastor had all of the children stand by their parents and had their parents bless them and dedicate them to Christ. And then he called up all of the couples that had gotten married when they were hindu but had since become Christian so that he could pray blessing over them! It was so cool to see such a powerful service the first Sunday!

WEEK TWO: 26 November -2 December 2012 Location: Makra Pera (4 hours south/east of Darj) {plains village}
We left of the Tuesday of this week to go to a village. We arrived at night time after a very cramped 2.5 bus ride! We were greeted by a crowd of small children saying "praise the Lord". We were shown to our hosts' home and quickly served tea and a delicious meal! The next morning while I was having a quiet time I met my best friend...her name is Ankita and she's three! We were best pals and she drew in my journal as I read my bible EVERY MORNING! She was a little spunky and once stole my bible and RAN AWAY! I had to chase after her and then another time she stole my shoe, hid it, then came laughing at me! Our translator had to ask her to get it for me! It was one of the best moments of my life. haha. Another personal highlight during this week was....I got to MILK A COW!!!! IN INDIA!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't the best at it, but I've wanted to do this for YEARS and I FINALLY got to!!! I still get super excited about it.

The ministry that we were involved with in this village were: kids ministry (ALL THE TIME), prayer services, house visits, house fellowship, built a toilet, and healing!
Some of the ministry highlights is a hindu lady came to the house we were staying at and she wanted us to pray for her sister. Her sister lived a few hours away and was about to go into surgery for cancer in her stomach...and she was pregnant. We prayed for her and the lady left. A few hours later the woman comes RUNNING to the house with a HUGE smile on her face...she went and found someone who spoke a little english and told me through this man that her sister was completely healed and didn't need to surgery and that the baby had been born and she was healthy! This lady left with a smile beaming off her face! She didn't verbalise her desire for a Saviour but seeds were planted!!!

Another time was when we went to pray for a paralytic man. He lived in a little hut that was built up off the ground because of elephants. We couldn't go inside because of how the house was built so some people carried the man onto the porch and we laid hands on him from the ground. He was SCREAMING and crying with the amount of pain he was in. He had been fine a few years back then got into an accident...(he was hindu) then Christians prayed for him and he was healed...then he started persecuting christians and he became paralysed again. As a team we prayed into forgiveness and repentance and the pain in his arm started going away. He couldn't walk that day but a few days later we found out that he had gone to the bathroom by himself! Which is down the stairs and outside!!!!!

On the Sunday we ran the sunday school and preached the sermon. We taught the kids a memory verse with actions and the song "I'm in the Lord's army", they LOVED IT! I shared a sermon on Christ's Love. It was extremely challenging but so rewarding. I struggle heaps with realising I am loved by God just because he is the full expression of love and not because I have "deserved" it. The night before I preached I was frustrated because even though I've TAUGHT about this topic several times it hasn't gotten easier. Then my co-leader told me "Shannon, you struggle with trust...maybe the reason you keep having trouble with teaching this is that you aren't getting the trust lesson and so you keep having to do it!" God straight spoke through her! It was still hard but it was so good and I finally GOT the trust thing a little bit more! PTL!

3-9 December 2012 Location: Burmaik (3 hours away from Darj) {Mountain village} 
The view from this village was incredible. We did ministry in a lot of churches, we did devotions every day for the church members, and we fasted and prayed with them on the Saturday. On the Sunday we shared a skit, a testimony, and we had the opportunity to pray for all of the believers and speak truth into their lives. The presence of God was so evident. It was really cool to look around at our precious students and see how much they had grown at this point. And how much trust these pastors and elders had given us at such a young age. I was so proud of our youngest student for allowing God to develop a heart for intercession and then sharing it with the village. God worked through each of our student and taught them so much about speaking.

We didn't do as much church ministry but we went on HEAPS of prayer walks. UP, up,up, and UP the mountain! We strengthened our legs and our hearts for India. The last day we were in this village we were invited to a man's house for 7am. He gave us a FEAST. The amazing part of this story is that we had never met this man before...he just knew we were in town and wanted to bless us. He wasn't a christian either. He got up around 4am to do this...and he's not married so his sister in law helped him. (who is also not a christian!) We got the opportunity to pray for this family at the end of breakfast before we headed off.

A cool thing that God revealed to me in this village is that I'm worth being protected and taken care of. This is quite a journey because I don't like when people do things for me, even though my dad and brothers treated me like a princess growing up. It's getting better...He's humbling me heapppppps.

WEEK FOUR& FIVE: 10-16 December Location: Siliguri. {city} 17-23 December Siliguri. {city}
It started to look a lot like christmas this week! We partnered with a ministry called "Ambassadors for Christ" and we did HEAPS of kids ministry, christmas programs, gospel sharing, christmas carolling, and HEAPS OF DANCING! We carolled every night from the 16th until the 23rd.  We also had the opportunity to share the gospel with a hindu family that was having a birthday party for their daughter and their house was FULL of people. After we shared they asked for some Christian songs so they could learn them! MORE SEEDS PLANTED!
We also shared the gospel with three hindu dancers. (dancing isn't look at as the best job.) One was on the verge of accepting Christ, one was a back sliding christian, and the last one was full blown hindu. We had lunch with them and prayed for all of them. They cried and God really moved in them. I visited a few days later and the backsliding christian realised that when we were praying for her she felt different and she really should be following the Lord!!

WEEK SIX: 24-30 December Location: Salu {mountain village} 
In this village we were helping out a single women that has adopted 6 children ranging from 17-6 years old. She started and is running a Christian school in this village. She was also putting on a program for the 25th of December. This year all the non-believers were invited to the program. We helped decorate, we played with all the kids, we learned to cook Indian Roti and we shared the gospel on Christmas day. A whole family came to know God that day! Which in India a family means a husband, wife, children, brother in laws, sister in laws, and parents! It was amazing!!!!!!!

I also met on of the most adorable children....her name is Progeta. Recently some awful stuff happened to her and her family but through it their family came to know Christ!!!!! Everytime I held this little girl God would tell me how innocent and precious she was. It was the coolest feeling to love this little girl.

On the 28th we travelled back to Darj, had a day off, did an open air with another DTS outreach team, and then packed to head home. I got to share my faith and what I do with a Czech Republic lady that was married to an Indian man at the airport. We also got to evangelise to the flight attendant in the plane. When we got to Australia we had a faith day and we picked up trash, met HEAPS of indian people in the city, handed out Love Letters from God, and shared the gospel with people who had NEVER heard of Jesus before....IN A WESTERN COUNTRY. It was amazing.

That pretty much sums up the past few weeks. I am missing heaps of details and many more precious God stories, lessons, and people, but for now that will have to do! Our students will be graduating on 18 January. I will be staying in Australia until April 2013 and then heading back to VA in May 2013. I will update more and what that looks like and why another day! Now i will get some photos for yall.

Thank you so much for all of your support. To think of the journey of provision God took me on to get to India and back is absolutely amazing. I could not have done it without each of you!

If you have questions please email me! Also, I would love to hear about your christmas and the things that God taught you over 2012!

671 Samford Road
Mitchelton, QLD 4053